Title: Engravings of the Brain and Nerves. Including Facsimiles of the First Editions of The Anatomy of the Brain, Explained in a series of Engravings. (1802); A Series of Engravings, Explaining the Course of the Nerves. (1803); On the Nerves of the Face (1829)
Author: Bell, Charles
Publisher: The Classics of Medicine Library
Publication Date: 1983-01-01
Type: Hardcover
Condition: As new
Edition: Limited Edition
Notes: As new . Features blue leather boards (11" H x 9.25" W) with gilt design on cover and gilt lettering and designs with five raised bands along spine. No dust jacket as issued. Three gilt edges; marbled endpapers. Ribbon. Reprint of the first edition. Limited edition No. 416. Many other volumes in this series listed and available. Mint. Additional photos available upon request. All items carefully packed to avoid damage from moisture and rough handling. Sku: 022674