Title: The Dickens Dictionary: A Key to the Plot and Characters in the Tales of Charles Dickens with Copious Indexes and Bibliography
Author: Gilbert A Pierce
Publisher: Houghton, Mifflin & Co.
Publication Date: 1872
Type: hardcover
Condition: Acceptable
Notes: Acceptable leather boards with faded gilt lettering along spine. Binding and hinges tight and square, but covered is detached. Contents clean and unmarked. No dust jacket. 573pp. Fancy marbled boards with leather corners and leather spine. Title gilt stamped on spine that is coming detached at the top 1/2 inch, and has wear. Marbled page edge. Tissued title page and engraved image. Illustrated. Twelfth edition. Additional photos available upon request. All items carefully packed to avoid damage from moisture and rough handling. Sku: 038734