Title: The Republican Convention: A Radio Discussion By The University of Chicago Round Table No. 535 (746TH Broadcast in Cooperation With the National Broadcasting Company, June 20, 1948)
Author: Harry Cain, Wayne Morse and Walter Johnson
Publisher: University of Chicago
Publication Date: 1948-01-01
Type: Pamphlet
Condition: Very Good
Notes: Original VG Brochure (7.5" x 5.25" W) featuring stapled binding and 14 pages of transcribed text from a Radio Discussion by Harry Cain, Wayne Morse and Walter Johnson Including Congressional Proposals for Revision of the Electoral College System. Round Table pamphlet No 535 June 20, 1948. Light soiling and rubbing along edges. No tears or chips. Contents clean and unmarked. Additional photos available upon request. All items carefully packed to avoid damage from moisture and rough handling. Sku: 026990